일본 화장실협회에서 온 서신(협회기업회원사에서는 읽어주시기바랍니다) (2007/08/27)
- 작성일2012/10/10 17:05
- 조회 1,360
해당 글의 작성 날짜 : 2007/08/27 13:44:27
회원님께서 하시는 사업이 날로 번창하시기를 빕니다.
일본의 화장실협회로부터 아래와 같이 레터가 도착하였습니다.
해당되는 기업은 협회 또는 조의현 상임이사에게 연락을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
- 아 래 -
○ 레터의 내용 요약
1. 2008년은 국제 위생의 해(UN결정)
2. 일본협회의 2008년도 행사계획에 참여할 의사가 있으십니까?
- 2008. 2 워크샵
- 2008. 3 국제 심포지움
○ 질 문
1) 물 안 쓰는 변기, 위생에 관심이 있는지, 있다면 시스템의 타입, 메이커 등의 이름을 알려주십시오.
2) 하이브리드 에콜로지 시스템을 활용하는 화장실이 있는지, 있다면 메이커와 주소 등 연락처를 알려주십시오.
3) 심포지움에 강사, 패널로 참가가 가능하십니까?
★★위와 관련해 답변을 8월 28(화)까지
협 회 / 031-226-7001
조의현 / 011-213-6166 에게 연락 바랍니다.★★
-일본화장실협회에서 온 서신(원문)-
August 22. 2007
Re: Request For cooperation in Japan' s activities for International Year of Sanitation
To whom it may concern:
How are you getting on? You must have been vigorously active for
improvement of toilet, I believe.
Next year, as you know, will be the International Year of Sanitation 2008
that was resolved at the UN general Assembly in December 2006. Do your
country and/or Toilet Association plan any activities for the year?
The Japan Toilet Association is planning the campaign with the theme of
"Toilet, Water and Sanitation" in cooperation with Japanese Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Environment, private enterprises, etc. We are
now considering holding an International Symposium in March. a workshop in
February 2008, and an exhibition.
In this connection, would you kindly take your time to answer the three
questions under mentioned before the end of August 2007 by e-mail or fax, so
that we could put your information to the 2008 Campaign in Japan?
Q1: Is waterless toilet and sanitation popular in your country? If so,
please inform us the type and name of the system and its product/maker.
Q2: Is there the toilet using the hybrid-ecology system* for saving water
resources in your country? If so, will you tell us the name of the maker
and its address?
Q3: will it be possible for you to be a lecturer and/or panelist at the
international symposium and/or workshop on "toilet, Water and Sanitation"
in Japan? If possible, inform us your specific theme/topic and e-mail
We would like to express our hearty appreciation for your cooperation in
advance, and are looking forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Koo Ue, Chairman of the Board of Directors
The Japan Toilet Association
E-mail: koo_ue@toilet.or.jp Fax:+81-3-3580-7176
*Hybrid-ecology system toilet: A type of toilet to flush by rim wash and
jet flow. It uses technology to grow rim wash by water from the water pipe
and jet flow by water from the built-in tank together to wash toilet bowl.
This system highly saves water and energy.
일본의 화장실협회로부터 아래와 같이 레터가 도착하였습니다.
해당되는 기업은 협회 또는 조의현 상임이사에게 연락을 주시면 감사하겠습니다.
- 아 래 -
○ 레터의 내용 요약
1. 2008년은 국제 위생의 해(UN결정)
2. 일본협회의 2008년도 행사계획에 참여할 의사가 있으십니까?
- 2008. 2 워크샵
- 2008. 3 국제 심포지움
○ 질 문
1) 물 안 쓰는 변기, 위생에 관심이 있는지, 있다면 시스템의 타입, 메이커 등의 이름을 알려주십시오.
2) 하이브리드 에콜로지 시스템을 활용하는 화장실이 있는지, 있다면 메이커와 주소 등 연락처를 알려주십시오.
3) 심포지움에 강사, 패널로 참가가 가능하십니까?
★★위와 관련해 답변을 8월 28(화)까지
협 회 / 031-226-7001
조의현 / 011-213-6166 에게 연락 바랍니다.★★
-일본화장실협회에서 온 서신(원문)-
August 22. 2007
Re: Request For cooperation in Japan' s activities for International Year of Sanitation
To whom it may concern:
How are you getting on? You must have been vigorously active for
improvement of toilet, I believe.
Next year, as you know, will be the International Year of Sanitation 2008
that was resolved at the UN general Assembly in December 2006. Do your
country and/or Toilet Association plan any activities for the year?
The Japan Toilet Association is planning the campaign with the theme of
"Toilet, Water and Sanitation" in cooperation with Japanese Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Environment, private enterprises, etc. We are
now considering holding an International Symposium in March. a workshop in
February 2008, and an exhibition.
In this connection, would you kindly take your time to answer the three
questions under mentioned before the end of August 2007 by e-mail or fax, so
that we could put your information to the 2008 Campaign in Japan?
Q1: Is waterless toilet and sanitation popular in your country? If so,
please inform us the type and name of the system and its product/maker.
Q2: Is there the toilet using the hybrid-ecology system* for saving water
resources in your country? If so, will you tell us the name of the maker
and its address?
Q3: will it be possible for you to be a lecturer and/or panelist at the
international symposium and/or workshop on "toilet, Water and Sanitation"
in Japan? If possible, inform us your specific theme/topic and e-mail
We would like to express our hearty appreciation for your cooperation in
advance, and are looking forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,
Koo Ue, Chairman of the Board of Directors
The Japan Toilet Association
E-mail: koo_ue@toilet.or.jp Fax:+81-3-3580-7176
*Hybrid-ecology system toilet: A type of toilet to flush by rim wash and
jet flow. It uses technology to grow rim wash by water from the water pipe
and jet flow by water from the built-in tank together to wash toilet bowl.
This system highly saves water and energy.